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China Electronic IC Chip manufacturer

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August 26, 2022

Chip Market

Chip market prices are being reported by major media, it can be said that last year rose how fierce, this year fell how bad. The days of water shortage and power restrictions, panels, laptops and other homeopathic adjustments to inventory. Network popular material number identification, to help you find out what are the Netflix material big price increases, which big price drops, the following is our selection of eight popular chips (models).


1. car chip kill back "DS90UB‘’ series

2. Hotness and prices fly together "VNQ7050AJTR"

3. The retreat of a net-worthy material "TPS53513RVER‘’

4. High-priced chips new expensive "MK64FN1M0VLQ12‘’

5. skyrocketing chip "row" "STM32F103 series"

6. Huaqiang North high-priced reward material "TPS92692QPWPRQ1"

7. One of the most popular 8-bit MCU "ATMEGA328P-AU‘’

8. TI's new "star" product "TPS7A6650QDGNRQ1".

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